Beyond Systems. Manifesting Potential.
We provide strategic and organisational design services to 'changemakers for good'.
Our world is in flux. Placing us at the cusp of profound paradigm shifts.
How can we increase sustainability, resilience, quality of life and equitability while going through these transformations?
shiftN helps changemakers imagining new futures, exploring new ways to work together, and crafting new strategies. Our signature: finely honed systemic approaches for collective impact.
We’re here to create clarity in complexity.
Alive in the anthropocene 2023

New series of talks on the theme of 'resistance': May-June 2023
A humble series of (online) talks and workshops about the challenges humans and our planet are moving into. The theme for the 2023 edition is 'resistance'. We often feel powerless in the face of the momentous changes we are witnessing now in the wider world around us. We have our businesses to run, jobs to perform, families to take care off. It's all so big and so difficult to grasp. What can we do? How do we push back? What exactly needs to be resisted and how? Is resistance necessarily linked to conflict?
(Photo Markus Spiske @ Pexels).
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